History The Night Begins įollowing the Guardians' test of strength with the Cabal, reaching an armistice with Empress Caiatl, the people of the Last City find their home shrouded by a night that refused to be lifted, plunging the people into an night without end. To end the simulation and save the Last City, the Vanguard allied with the House of Light and sheltered them in the City so that their Sacred Splicers could hack into The Outer Nexus and assist the Guardians in weakening the simulation. The Endless Night is a Vex created simulation that engulfed The Last City through an unknown means, plunging the entire city into darkness and draining its power. Subjugated Minds and Nexus Collective greatly inhibited Several Human and Eliksni civilian casualties Savathûn, the Witch Queen exposed as the creator of the Endless Night.Lakshmi-2 is killed, FWC disbanded, Dead Orbit and New Monarchy flee the city.House Light brought under the protection of the city.You can help Destinypedia by expanding it.